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LDS Pioneer Trek Tutorials

LDS Trek Tutorials at

I wanted to have a roundup of pioneer trek pioneers in one simple place. I hope these will come in handy for upcoming pioneer treks, pioneer days, etc. Also, if you have a pioneer-themed tutorial please feel free to share it below in the comments!

For those of you who would like to learn more about what a "trek" is you can get information about it here.

Let's start with a simple bonnet..

Pioneer Bonnet Tutorial at The Waag Blaag

15 Minute Pioneer Shirt at Made From Pinterest

Pioneer Skirt Tutorial at Buns and Baskets

How to Make an Easy Pioneer Skirt by Show Tell Share

DIY Dollar Store Mesh Kit by Fresh Juniper (great for camps, trek, etc)

Do you have some tips or tricks you'd like to share? Maybe you have a tutorial that you'd like to share? Feel free to leave your link or comment below.

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