sharing inspiration, free resources, and creative ideas

Free 2025 Youth Theme Coloring Pages: "Look Unto Christ"

 Looking for a fun and meaningful way to engage youth in the 2025 theme? These free coloring pages are a great for a variety of settings: Sunday classes, weekly activities, quiet Sacrament meeting time, or even personal study! I'm including three different designs help reinforce the importance of focusing on our Savior while providing a creative outlet.

The 2025 theme is from the scripture Doctrine & Covenants 6:36 "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not."  

Look Unto Christ free coloring pages

Simply print on white cardstock or printer paper and provide colored pencils, crayons, or markers and you're all set!

Coloring is more than just a fun activity—it can provide meaningful benefits for youth as they strive to strengthen their faith. Here are a few reasons to incorporate these coloring pages into your lessons or activities:

  • Deep Reflection: Coloring encourages calm, meditative reflection, which can help youth ponder the Savior’s role in their lives.
  • Creative Engagement: Some youth learn best by doing, and these pages offer a hands-on way to engage with the gospel message.
  • Spiritual Connection: Having a visual, creative outlet can reinforce gospel principles in memorable ways.
DOWNLOAD and Print at the link below:

We’d love to see how you use these pages! Feel free to tag us on Instagram using #LookUntoChrist and #2025YouthTheme.


50 Fun and Meaningful 'Look Unto Christ' Youth Activity Ideas

Are you searching for meaningful ways to center your life on Christ? Whether you're a youth leader, parent, or someone striving to focus more on the Savior, this list of activity ideas will inspire you to deepen your connection with Jesus Christ. From creative crafts to heartfelt service projects, these activities bring the 2025 youth theme to life.

The 2025 theme, "Look Unto Christ" drawn from Doctrine and Covenants 6:36, invites us to “Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.” This simple yet profound counsel reminds us that Christ should be the focus of our lives. These activities are designed to help individuals, families, and youth groups reflect on their Savior in spiritual, intellectual, physical, and socially enriching ways.

  1. “Look Unto Christ” treasure hunt - find scripture clues, pictures of the Savior, or symbolic objects (like a lighthouse or shepherd) around town.
  2. 30-Day “Look Unto Him” Scripture Challenge – Reflect daily on scriptures focused on Christ.
  3. Music Playlist Activity - have the girls create/share songs and playlists that help them feel closer to Christ.
  4. Youth Temple Trip - reflect on how doing temple work brings us and those we are doing the work for closer to Christ.
  5. Create “Look Unto Christ” journals - Write daily reflections about looking unto Him.
  6. Photography Challenge - take photos of things that remind you of Christ (e.g., a sunrise, a temple, an act of kindness) and share them in a chat group or activity night.
  7. Book Club - have a monthly book club for those who are interested and have the girls pick a Christ-Centered book. Make a fun night with treats and discussion about the book. You can get them from the library or ask ward members to borrow the books, too.
  8. Family History Projects - Assist parents or grandparents with family history projects, including scanning photos or organizing family stories. You can also create a fun modern family tree and frame it.
  9. Scripture Art Journaling – Create artistic designs around scriptures like D&C 6:36.
  10. Make Baptism Temple Pouches - include a blank pouch (you can use an iron-on temple image) and include things like a white scrunchie, lotion, mini shampoo/conditioner, etc).


  1. Read to a Child Activity - have the youth read a story to young children around the neighbor (you might make sure to set this is scheduled with the parents ahead of time)
  2. Ward Clean-Up Day – Tidy the meetinghouse and grounds.
  3. Deliver “Family Fun Night” baskets or bags - Plan and deliver an activity night for their family, complete with games, snacks, and an uplifting message.
  4. Letters/Care Packages for Missionaries – Include treats, uplifting notes, and scriptures.
  5. Random Act of Kindness Activity – See how many RAK's you can do during activity night.
  6. Community Clean-Up – Pick up litter in local parks or neighborhoods.
  7. Freezer Meals for new moms or someone who might need extra help.
  8. Create “Welcome Kits” for members who are new in the ward including a personalized card, treats, and resources about the ward or Church for new members or families.
  9. “Look Unto Him” Service Bingo - create Bingo cards with service ideas and provide a challenge/reward for completing.
  10. First Responder Thank You Cards - Write thank-you letters or bake treats for police officers, firefighters, and paramedics to express gratitude for their sacrifices.


  1. Vision Boards - create vision boards about how they want to “Look Unto Him” in 2025. Include spiritual, physical, intellectual and social goals.
  2. Make Bracelets - use colorful beads and letters that say “Look Unto Him” or “Look Unto Christ”
  3. “Light the World” Lantern Craft – Create lanterns to symbolize Christ’s light.
  4. Photography Challenge – Capture photos of things that remind you of Christ.
  5. Scripture Bookmarks – Design bookmarks featuring D&C 6:36.
  6. Paint Night - paint or draw imagery connected to the Savior (Christ calming the storm, the Good Shepherd, etc.)
  7. Temple Drawing Activity – Draw or color pictures of temples as symbols of looking unto Christ.
  8. Christmas Ornament Craft – Make ornaments with the “Look Unto Him” theme.
  9. Gratitude Crafts – A gratitude jar or tree where participants add things they are thankful for throughout the week or month.
  10. Christ-Centered Journaling Kits – Provide supplies for personalized spiritual reflections.


  1. “Look Unto Christ” obstacle course - Create an obstacle course that represents life’s challenges and how Christ can guide us through them.
  2. Relay Race: Running the Race of Faith – Focus on enduring to the end with Christ.
  3. Christ-centered Pictionary - Draw gospel-related concepts for others to guess.
  4. Archery - use targets like faith, service, and prayer. Focus on aiming for the mark, just as we aim to follow Christ.
  5. “Light the Path” Night Sports/Games - Play a night game (like glow-in-the-dark kickball or flashlight tag) to symbolize how Christ is the Light of the World.
  6. Fitness "Strength in Christ" activity - Create a workout (yoga, push-ups, squats, jumping jacks) where each station includes a scripture or quote about strength in Christ. This is a great way to get ward members involved who are great at teaching fitness.
  7. "Teamwork in Christ" Sports Night - play games like tug of war and team games
  8. Christ-Centered Jeopardy Game - (tip: Elder Neil A. Andersen shares some great ones annually on his Facebook page).
  9. “Escape Room” Activity – Solve puzzles leading to Christ-centered insights.
  10. Hiking with Scripture Stops – Plan a hike or nature walk where participants share scriptures about Christ’s creations.


  1. Talent Night - have a talent night (this can be a super simple talent, too). Reflect on how Christ wants us to use our talents and develop new ones. Think "Show and Tell".
  2. Names of Christ Activity – Learn about titles like “Good Shepherd” and “Prince of Peace" (this is especially fun around the holiday season).
  3. Career Night - invite ward members/neighbors to share about their careers and how they "Look Unto Christ" at work.
  4. “Look Unto Him” Devotional Series – Weekly devotionals focusing on Christ’s attributes.
  5. Learn something New - share the story of President Russell M. Nelson deciding to learn the Mandarin language. Come up with something they would like to learn. Christ encourages us to use our talents and gain knowledge.

  6. Scripture Memory Challenge – Memorize verses about faith and trust in Christ.
  7. "Look Unto Christ" Mental Health Devotional – Discuss how focusing on Christ can bring peace and strength in moments of stress, anxiety, or depression (make sure to use scriptures, conference talks, and church website resources).


  • Encourage Reflection: End each activity with a discussion or devotional to deepen the connection to Christ.
  • Mix and Match: Combine creative, spiritual, and service ideas for dynamic events.
  • Printable Resources: Include downloads like activity guides, scripture cards, or journaling pages. Watch for many free printables in the future on Latter-day Lane.
  • Customize: make sure to customize activities to the needs of your youth.
  • Holiday Activities: Adjust activites focused around Easter, Christmas, 4th of July (light the world), etc.
  • REMEMBER: Let the youth lead! They can use this list for helpful inspiration -- let's face it many of the girls need inspirational ideas. My goal here is to inspire them to create their own activities and put their own spins on them. 

Do you have an activity you'd like to share that focuses on the theme "Look Unto Christ"? Please share below in the comments.

POST BY: Kari Sweeten

New 2025 Youth Theme: "Look Unto Christ" Free Printables

 With the announcement of the 2025 youth theme for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I'm thrilled to share free printable resources for inspiration and organization! The theme for this year is "Look Unto Christ" based off the scripture in the Doctrine and Covenants 6:36 which says "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not."

In our journey as youth and leaders, this theme is an invitation to fill our minds and hearts with thoughts of the Savior. 

As you know, I love to share free resources and they are usually because I am creating them anyway in my own current calling. I'm currently the Secretary in the Young Women's Presidency and so my focus is on these new printables for binders. I've created a modern, minimalist design with a silhouette of Christ as the focus of the printables and art.

Included in the Free Printables:

2025 Youth Theme Printables "Look Unto Christ"

Coordinating Bookmarks: print these out and give to the youth to use in their scriptures, journals, or any book, serving as a gentle reminder to "look unto Christ" in every thought. 

2025 Youth Theme Printables "Look Unto Christ"

2. Binder Covers for Young Women Presidency: These covers are available for the President, 1st Counselor, 2nd Counselor, Secretary, and Adviser. Print out on white cardstock (8.5x11) and simply update the binder covers to include the new theme.

3. Theme Art Poster: this printable poster is available in size 18x24 and can be printed same-day at most printable shops like Staples, Walgreens, etc. These are great to display in Young Women meeting rooms at church and are also great for the youth to display in their bedrooms as room decor.

2025 Youth Theme Printables "Look Unto Christ"

4. Printable Art: available in 8x10 and 5x7 to be used anywhere. Gift idea -- find some inexpensive frames at the dollar store and print these out for a budget-friendly gift to the young women to announce the new theme. 


Look Unto Christ Bookmarks

Look Unto Christ Poster (18x24)

Look Unto Christ Young Women Leader Binder Covers 

Look Unto Christ Art (8x10)

Look Unto Christ Art (5x7)

Watch for upcoming coordinating accessories!

Thank you for stopping by Latterday Lane today! 

Do you have printable suggestions or tutorials you'd like to see? Please leave comments to share your ideas and I'll see what I can do!


I just updated this post and added this Come Follow Me sign up form for the Young Women classes!



2025 Theme Goal Printable

2025 youth theme "Look Unto Christ"

The Child and Youth Program is such a wonderful way to set goals in four different areas of our lives: physical, spiritual, intellectual, and social. 
The program is based off of the scripture Luke 2:52 "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man." 

I have two daughters who are young women and this has been so valuable for them -- I use it too because it's valuable for all ages!

TIP: frame these and use them with dry erasable markers! This makes a great Activity Days or Youth Activity!

2025 Theme GOAL sheet

POST BY: Kari Sweeten

DIY "My General Conference" Notebooks

Each conference I get inspired to create new printables and this latest design is a simple way to customize your own general conference notebooks! I love taking notes on what inspires me and what thoughts come to my mind as I listen to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints General Conference.  These mini books come dated with the new October 2024 date and I will be updating them each conference if you want to build a collection. Also available without dates, too!

DIY General Conference notes

You can use it as a General Conference bullet journal or/and customize it to record your favorite moments. Print as many pages as you'd like -- great for older primary children, youth, and adults.

Putting these together would be a fun youth activity as well!

What's inside?

General Conference Coloring Poster

General Conference Coloring Poster and Page - two sizes!

Each year when General Conference comes around I like to create something new for Latterday Lane. I feel like my children (and myself) focus on the speakers better when they have something to do with their hands. Coloring doesn't distract you too much and it's relaxing and fun!

This free printable coloring poster is so much fun for a large get-together or for your small family. We leave them out for a couple of days and they are a hit for all ages!

Don't want a poster size? Print out the 8.5x11 version. Super simple!

Scripture Coloring Page: Alma 37:6

 This newest scripture coloring page set is inspired by this week's Come Follow Me lesson. In this powerful scripture taught by Alma reminds us that even the smallest actions can lead to great outcomes. It's a beautiful message of hope and encouragement.

This fun design includes cute animals surrounding the scripture making it engaging for children and adults! The animals can help spark discussions about God's creations and how even the smallest creatures play a part in His grand design. 

Alma 37:6 Coloring Page

Also, included...animals only coloring page!

Great for Come Follow Me lessons, sacrament meeting reverence, and personal study.

We'd love to see your finished coloring pages! Share your creations on social media tagging @latterdaylane.

Thank you for being part of the Latter Day Lane community. Keep an eye out for more Come Follow Me scripture coloring pages to support your faith and family.

POST BY: Kari Sweeten