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Scripture Coloring Page: Alma 37:6

 This newest scripture coloring page set is inspired by this week's Come Follow Me lesson. In this powerful scripture taught by Alma reminds us that even the smallest actions can lead to great outcomes. It's a beautiful message of hope and encouragement.

This fun design includes cute animals surrounding the scripture making it engaging for children and adults! The animals can help spark discussions about God's creations and how even the smallest creatures play a part in His grand design. 

Alma 37:6 Coloring Page

Also, included...animals only coloring page!

Great for Come Follow Me lessons, sacrament meeting reverence, and personal study.

We'd love to see your finished coloring pages! Share your creations on social media tagging @latterdaylane.

Thank you for being part of the Latter Day Lane community. Keep an eye out for more Come Follow Me scripture coloring pages to support your faith and family.

POST BY: Kari Sweeten 

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