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Free 2025 Youth Theme Coloring Pages: "Look Unto Christ"

 Looking for a fun and meaningful way to engage youth in the 2025 theme? These free coloring pages are a great for a variety of settings: Sunday classes, weekly activities, quiet Sacrament meeting time, or even personal study! I'm including three different designs help reinforce the importance of focusing on our Savior while providing a creative outlet.

The 2025 theme is from the scripture Doctrine & Covenants 6:36 "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not."  

Look Unto Christ free coloring pages

Simply print on white cardstock or printer paper and provide colored pencils, crayons, or markers and you're all set!

Coloring is more than just a fun activity—it can provide meaningful benefits for youth as they strive to strengthen their faith. Here are a few reasons to incorporate these coloring pages into your lessons or activities:

  • Deep Reflection: Coloring encourages calm, meditative reflection, which can help youth ponder the Savior’s role in their lives.
  • Creative Engagement: Some youth learn best by doing, and these pages offer a hands-on way to engage with the gospel message.
  • Spiritual Connection: Having a visual, creative outlet can reinforce gospel principles in memorable ways.
DOWNLOAD and Print at the link below:

We’d love to see how you use these pages! Feel free to tag us on Instagram using #LookUntoChrist and #2025YouthTheme.


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